Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Update/December 2010 Newsletter

Merry Christmas!!!!

I want to thank each of you for all of your prayers and support over the last couple of months. It has been amazing to watch God move in powerful ways!

With this being our first Christmas back in Ohio, things have been a little hectic but, as always, God is in full control. We are extremely excited about all the things that God is doing to get things going for LifePoint. God has provided for our family in ways that only He can. We have had loving brothers and sisters provide gifts for us when we needed it, as well as providing a second vehicle for our family. (It needs a battery and we have to get all the registration and insurance taken care of, but we have it!) This is a huge praise because we are putting a lot of miles on our one family van with my current work schedule.

We completed our Church Planters Assessment back in November, and we are excited to share that it went very well! After the first of year, we will begin the paperwork process so that we may begin to receive support from the SBC. That is a BIG praise and we are VERY thankful to have the partnership of the SBC as we begin this new church work in the area!

We are also excited to have our brothers and sisters at First Baptist Church of Miamisburg joining us this week of Christmas in a Christmas Light Prayer Drive. We are picking a night of the week to load up the car, drive around the city, looking at lights and praying over the city. Our hope is that God will prepare the hearts of this city to encounter our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As many of you know, my (Brad) Grandmother passed away earlier this month. This has been a season of mourning and remembrance for us. I would like to encourage each of you by sharing that we had at least 10 people accept Jesus as their personal savior at her memorial service. Thanks be to God for His faithfulness in the midst of times of pain!

I am also very excited to be preaching on Sunday, December 26th during the evening service at First Baptist Church of Miamisburg. This will be my first time preaching since October, as you can imagine, I have a lot to say!

Prayer Requests:

Please continue to pray for God to open up job opportunities for me. I am currently looking at two jobs that could work very well for us. One as a Special Education Teachers Aide in Miamisburg City School District and the other is with MRDD doing nearly the same thing I did in PA. Also continue to pray for Jess and her new home business with Lia Sophia. It is going well, and she really enjoys it!

Pray that God will provide the words I need on the 26th when I preach at FBC. Pray that His spirit will move in a powerful way to move people into a deeper relationship with Him.

Pray that God will move in a mighty way when we start up our Bible Study in the New Year. We plan to start off meeting in First Baptist and then moving it to a home study once we get our own home, or to another home if God puts it on someones heart to host the group.

Also pray that God will open up opportunities for us to share our vision, our passion and most importantly the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

We thank our Lord Jesus Christ for each and every one of you,

Brad and Jessica Herbst & family

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