Thursday, November 25, 2010

So the Turkey Lives


Interestingly enough there is a belief that every president since World War II has pardoned a turkey a few days before Thanksgiving every year. The fact is this tradition is far newer than this. According to ( this tradition can only be traced back to 1989 when then President George H.W. Bush officially pardoned the Turkey given to the White house. This tradition quickly became a yearly ritual that every President has maintained. Yesterday, President Obama followed suit sparing the life of two such birds with a pardon that will allow them to live out the rest of their days.

Now I write all of this because on this Thanksgiving day I see myself as a turkey. Due to my nature (a sinful man) I am destined to die. Like a turkey I am headed for a dark hot place where I will be cooked for all eternity and even though I don't deserve it, and I can not earn it, the King of kings and the Lord of lords has given me a full pardon.

The Bible is very clear that each and every one of us are guilty of sin and we deserve to spend eternity in hell. However, God loves us so much, that He sent His Son to die on our behalf that by His blood we could be declared free of our guilt and be granted a pardon for all eternity.

Let us be thankful today because we are the Turkeys that have received the pardon and as you sit down to eat with your family may the turkey on the table remind you that Jesus paid the price for you, and may you truly be thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving! God bless you!

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