Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Final Words part 1

When we are hurting physically, emotionally or spiritually we tend to become very self focused. We tend to focus on the start of our pain and discomfort. We tend to be more abrasive, rude and selfish. We lash out and point fingers, we place blame and make accusations. Well, at least I know I can be this way. I'm not justifying it but just stating a fact about my failings.

I know on days when I have a bad headache or when my back is really hurting I am not the easiest person to be around. Knowing this about my self makes a study of Jesus' final words before His death that much tougher to look at. They challenge me to look beyond my natural reaction, that fight or flight response to the situation I find myself in and find a deeper more meaningful response that can forever shape the lives of other people for the positive.

In this study we will be looking at the seven statements that Jesus made from the cross. We will begin today looking at the words spoken by Jesus in John 19:26-27.
When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

Here we find Jesus after being beaten, mocked, spit upon and crucified not looking after his own self interest or filled with self loathing in His anguished state but looking to the best interest of others.

As the oldest son, Jesus was responsible for the care of His widowed mother. With His death Jesus knew that someone would have to care for Mary in His absence. This task would normally fall upon the next oldest son however Jesus could assign this task to another.

Jesus also looks deeper than the surface need of just making sure His mother was cared for. He knew that with His death there would be a whole in the hearts of both John and Mary. Mary would be devastated with the loss of her first born child. John, the disciple, who refers to himself as simply, "the disciple whom he loved" would have a huge hole in His heart with the death of his Lord.

So Jesus calls them to be there for one another. For Mary, He provided a new son to care for her. A son who was hand taught and trained to be like Jesus. For John, Jesus provide a mother to care for who would be able to tell him the stories of Jesus that he wouldn't have known before.

Jesus looked after the interest others over His own pain and His own suffering. His example here should motivate us to look beyond the situation we are in and seek to make others lives better. As I study this statement of Jesus from the cross I am challenged to live a life of encouragement to others despite the circumstances I am in though I remind everyone I am just a work in progress.

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea how close to home this hit for me right now. Thank you for reminding me what matters.
