Sometimes things happen that are way outside our control. For example, one week ago today, a man was killed in the apartment right behind mine and one of the bullets came through my dining room wall and into another wall. There was nothing I could have done to prevent this from happening. I can't even imagine the odds and I even tried to look them up. One of the police officers even told me that there hadn't been a gun fired in our apartment complex for 10 years and that one was an accidental discharge.
Since last Monday I have been reflecting on all the ways that night could have went wrong. What if my wife would have went grocery shopping? Would one of us been standing in the bullets path putting food in the pantry? What if my daughter wouldn't have struggled about what to say during family devotion time? What if the bullet went through the wall at a different angle? Would one of my children had been hit? What if that second wall wouldn't have been load-bearing? Would the bullet have went through into my daughters bed?
So many details, and I have no control over any of them.
This event has served as a great reminder to me that life is short and no one is guaranteed tomorrow. What if one of those uncontrollable, unexpected things happened to you. Are you ready?
In Luke 12, Jesus tells this story about a man who's farm was very productive. It was so productive that the man didn't have room to store it all. The man then made the decision that he would tear down his existing barn and build a bigger one so he could store all his crops. Then he would take it easy for the next few years.
“But God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?’" Vs. 20 NLT
This man was so caught up in himself that he missed what was important. He wasn't focused on God or people just himself and God announced that the unexpected had come.
My friends, this could very well be the last blog I ever write, it could be the last blog you ever read. With that in mind I want to take this chance to share with you the greatest news the world has ever known. "God Loves You!"
God loves you so much more than you will ever know. You see in our selfish ways we have turned our backs on God. We have lived to fill our selfish desires and as a result we have separated ourselves from God. This selfishness in our life is called sin and the result of sin is eternal separation from God in hell. This is the second death.
Because of God's nature, His holiness, His righteousness, and His goodness He can't even look upon sin. But because of His love, His mercy, His grace, and His compassion , He sent His Son Jesus to die, to pay the price of our sin. And anyone who believes in Him can receive the free gift of salvation and eternal life that follows.
I hope and pray you will consider what I have shared. If you would like to know more or ask questions, just let me know.